Paleo Lifestyle Tips

With our busy lifestyles today, we need to keep on top of things if we want to stay eating the Paleo way. Once you get organized, this way of life becomes second nature and you will find there really isn’t much to it except the time that it takes you to make sure you stay away from all those evil processed foods.

Making the change over to the Paleo Lifestyle will not only make you look and feel better, if you have a family, it will also improve their health and have immediate benefits. Your kids may grumble at first, but showing them how to live a healthy life will be something they will thank you for later in life.

Although stopping at the drive-thru is easier at the moment, think about the long-term effects all of that junk food is having on your body. It really isn’t that hard to switch over to the Paleo Lifestyle so here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Get Organized – You have to start somewhere so do your research and get prepared. You are going to need to have all of the Paleo foods on hand so you can prepare meals, school lunches and snacks for your family. With the junk food gone, there will be no temptation to stray from the diet.
  • Food Shopping – Since you only want natural, lean meats, vegetables and fruits you might want to see if there is a farmers market or natural food store in your area. Short of that, just be aware when you go to the grocery store to be on the lookout for these items.
  • Clear the Junk Food out – You will be replacing all of that junk food with only fresh, healthy foods. These foods will be much more satisfying and nutritious. It will take you and/or your family a little time to get used to these foods but it will become secondhand in no time. Toss all of the non-approved foods such as cereals, pasta and processed foods.
  • Rethink the Cooking/Recipes -If you are like most humans, we grew up with recipes that were passed down from generation to generation. Or, we have our own favorites. Make substitutions with your new-found healthy foods. You will be surprised as to what you come up with on your own. If not, look for cookbooks at your local bookstore of order them online for fresh, new ideas.
  • Condiments – Most of the condiments such as ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc. are absolutely not allowed on the Paleo Diet. If you get a little creative, you can make your own. You can make them ahead and have them on-hand all the time. Remember, this is a lifestyle change which means you need to think about the foods that you will be consuming versus grabbing some previously unhealthy choice.